P:Devo considerar o vosso projeto verde? Porquê?
R:O nosso projecto é verde porque se trata da produção de um produto que não polui.
produtos desta espécie, Moringa oleífera poderão servir para o fabrico
de óleo, fungicidas, chás, despoluidores de agua e outros.
P:- O que vos levou a apostar num projeto sustentável?
R:Se recordarmos a
definição de desenvolvimento sustentável como: “a satisfação das
necessidades presentes, sem comprometer a capacidade das gerações
futuras de suprir suas próprias necessidades”. Ou seja, comprometimento
com o longo prazo. É isso que caracteriza um projeto social/ambiental
Apostámos num projecto sustentável também pelo lado social.
nossa empresa fará parceria com os agricultores de cada localidade,
transformando-os em fornecedores. Estes por sua vez contratarão mão de
obra local ajudando no desenvolvimento da economia local.
Representara a criação de muitos "pontos" verdes em vários locais de Portugal.
sustentabilidade desta cultura, ao contrário de outras, passa pelo
facto de não necessitar de adubação química, proteger o solo e aumentar a
sua qualidade, e ser uma cultura de metabolismo circular, onde o social e o ambiente convivem nao havendo desperdicios.
Esperemos que o nosso projeto seja selecionado pois representa " O saber fazer em Portugal".
Entrevista possivel ao Jornal Expresso 2.06.2012.
Q:Should I consider your green project? Why?
A: Our project is green because it is the production of a product that does not pollute.
Products of this type, Moringa can be used for the production of oil, fungicides, tea, and other water-pollution.
Q: - What led you to invest in sustainable design?
A: When we recall the definition of sustainable development as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." That is, commitment to the long term. This is what characterizes a social project / environmental development.
We bet a sustainable project also the social side.
Our company will partner with farmers in each location, turning them into providers. These in turn hire local labor to help in the development of local economy.
Represented the creation of many "points" green in various places in Portugal.
The sustainability of this culture, unlike others, is because it does not require chemical fertilizers, protect soil and improve its quality, and be a culture of circular metabolism, where the social and living environment there is no scrap.
We hope that our project is selected because it represents "The know-how in Portugal."
A: Our project is green because it is the production of a product that does not pollute.
Products of this type, Moringa can be used for the production of oil, fungicides, tea, and other water-pollution.
Q: - What led you to invest in sustainable design?
A: When we recall the definition of sustainable development as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." That is, commitment to the long term. This is what characterizes a social project / environmental development.
We bet a sustainable project also the social side.
Our company will partner with farmers in each location, turning them into providers. These in turn hire local labor to help in the development of local economy.
Represented the creation of many "points" green in various places in Portugal.
The sustainability of this culture, unlike others, is because it does not require chemical fertilizers, protect soil and improve its quality, and be a culture of circular metabolism, where the social and living environment there is no scrap.
We hope that our project is selected because it represents "The know-how in Portugal."
Possible interview to the Expresso journal 02.06.2012.
Muito sucesso e muita força!
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